Project Description

Hurricane & Storm Damage Reduction

Port Monmouth, New Jersey

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Project Details


July 2023 (completed in 26 working days)

Anselmi & DeCicco, Inc.
GEI Consultants



Stabilize 23,134 cubic yards of marsh soil to support 2,170 feet of new flood control levee

This photo was taken approximately a month after ISS was completed.  The work involved stabilizing marsh soil to support a flood control levee that was approximately 2,200  feet long at an average depth of 5.5’.  The treated soil volume was 23,223 cubic yards and required 3,500 tons of cement.  The project was completed in 26 working days for an average of 893 cubic yards stabilized per day and 135 tons of cement mixed in per day.

It was necessary to set up the ISS Reagent Delivery Plant on marshland in 3 locations.  The plant consists of the LTC Mix Truck, 2 800 cubic foot silos and a piston grout pump.  The plant produces cement slurry on a continual basis.  The cement quantity for each cell is down loaded for quality control.

The work was divided in 4 work sections.  Most of the area in the sections to be stabilized had a 15’ area on each side of a center section that was 24’ wide.  Anselmi distributed 20’ long mats down the centerline of the stabilization area.  Lang Tool Co. stabilized the sections on each side and was able to set on the stabilized outside areas to mix the inside area.  While LTC was mixing the inside area Anselmi moved the mats to the next section.  This method was very efficient and the ISS work was completed substantially ahead of schedule.

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